After School Club
After School Club is open Monday to Thursday from 3.20pm to 5.15pm and is run by Mrs. Birks,
Miss. Hadfield and Mrs. Liddell.
There are two sessions after school. Each session will cost £3 per child:
3.20pm-4.15pm = £3
3.20pm-5.15pm = £6.
A booking form is sent out to parents at the end of each half-term for the next half-term.
- A member of staff will greet the children at 3.20pm
- Children are offered a healthy snack and a variety of activities
- Please collect your child from the school office
- When collecting, parking is not permitted on the school premises, please park and stride
- Numbers are limited, so places need to be booked in advance
- Please notify the office as soon as possible should you wish to change or cancel a booking
- An invoice will be sent towards the end of each half-term, if payment is not received with booking form