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Blue - Year 4


Spring 1 Newsletter 

English and Maths


In English, we will be working on an exciting new unit based on the book The Rhythm of the Rain by Grahame Baker- Smith, which features stunning illustrations to depict the water cycle. This topic links well with our Geography unit from last term, Water World, allowing the children to deepen and further their learning. Following the journey of the water, the children will focus on producing descriptive narratives before creating their own explanation texts based around the water cycle.


In Maths, Year 4 will be applying their times tables knowledge to our multiplication and division topic. This term, the children will be learning how to multiply and divide numbers by 10 or 100, before multiplying and dividing 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. Towards the end of the term, we will move onto a unit about length and perimeter.  Knowing, and being able to quickly recall, times tables facts supports your child’s learning at the this stage, so please encourage times tables practice at home. To encourage the children to do so, we will once again be running our Times Tables Tournament- where the children compete for a chance to win something from the class prize box. At the end of the half term, the three children who have spent the most time on TTRockstars will each choose a prize.

The Wider Curriculum


Subject Unit
RE  Inspiring Religious Figures
History Changes in Britain: Anglo-Saxons, Picts and Scots 
Design Technology Mechanical Systems 
PSHE  Dreams and Goals 
French French Numbers, Calendars and Birthdays 
Science  Looking at States 
Computing Online Safety, Writing for different audiences 
Music The Doot Doot Song 




Additional Information


As the class have now finished their swimming lessons for the year, your child will now have PE on both a Monday and Thursday. On these days, please ensure that your child arrives at school wearing their PE kit.

Each week the children will be sent home with homework to complete, based around spellings and times tables. Please ensure that this homework is completed at least three times a week, and that the homework book is returned to school each day. We will have a spelling test each Friday.

Last term, it was really positive to see the children reading regularly at home and we would love for this to continue as we enter the New Year. Whether your child is reading to an adult, or reading independently, please ensure that their reading record is signed by an adult and returned to school. For every signature we see, we add a ticket to the reading raffle.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes for the New Year,

Miss Maudsley and Mrs Johnson



Dates for the Diary 


Friday 10th January: Cinderella Pantomime 

Thursday 30th January: Parent consultations 

Autumn 2 Newsletter 

Maths and English 


In English, we will be reading The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry, subtitled ‘A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest’. Through vibrant illustrations and a patterned, poetic story, this book clearly expresses the importance of preserving the rainforests (and the ecosystems within it) for the sake of all who live on this planet. From this, we anticipate that the children will create fantastic pieces of persuasive writing, and it will spur us on to further explore ideas of how to look after our planet. Following this topic, we will be reading Into the Forest by Anthony Browne, which is an amazing picture book that incorporates fairy tales into the story. We will use this book to inspire our writing as we create fairy tale play scripts.


In Maths, we will continue to apply our number skills to solve a range of problems and will start the term by focussing on area. For the remainder of the term, we will be developing mental and written methods for multiplication and division. Please continue to help your child practise their times tables at home as it really does make a difference. If your child wishes to use online platforms to practise, the login details for Purple Mash and TT Rockstars can be found on the first page of their reading record.  Last term’s TT Rockstars Tournament was certainly very popular so it will continue again, with the three children who have completed the most minutes by Christmas choosing out of the class prize box.

The Wider Curriculum 


Subject Topic
Geography  Water World 
R.E How do people from Religious and Non-Religious Communities celebrate key festivals? 
Design and Technology  Seasonal Stockings
Computing  Coding 
French  Clothes
PE Gymnastics, swimming
PSHE Celebrating difference
Science Living things 








Additional Information 

This term we will be starting our School Linking work with Brookside Primary School. The children will be learning about our partner school, and we will be creating pieces of work to help introduce ourselves. Throughout this work, we will be considering identity in the context of ‘Who am I?’.

Swimming lessons will continue this half term, so your child will still need a swimming kit every Wednesday.  Blue class will also need their P.E kit each Thursday, ready for their weekly P.E lesson.

Each week, the children have nightly times tables and spellings homework to complete. This will be handed out on a Monday, ready for a spelling test each Friday. 

We really encourage the children to read at home regularly, and this can be done independently or with an adult. Even if your child is reading independently, please ensure that you sign their reading record and return it to school each day. Children may choose to read a book from home, their reading book, library book or a non-fiction text. Each time that we see that a child has read at home, they receive a ticket for the reading raffle.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. 

Best wishes, 

Miss Maudsley and Mrs Johnson 


Dates for the Diary

Monday 11th November- Multi-faith week begins

Friday 15th November- Children in Need non-uniform day £1

Monday 25th November- Pupil Flu Vaccination

Friday 13th December- Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner day

Tuesday 17th December- Christmas craft morning


















Jewellery Designers 

This term our art topic was Jewellery Designers and the children have loved it. 

 We created artwork inspired by ancient jewellery designs, experimented with making our own paper beads and designed our own gemstones.

The children particularly enjoyed using a template and repetitive motions to weave their own bracelets.

Take a look in our gallery for some pictures of this topic.




Autumn 1 Newsletter

Maths and English


In English, we will be looking at an interesting book with beautiful illustrations. The story revolves around an elderly man that lives in a world of scrap metal. After looking closely at the character and setting, we will predict how the plot develops. We will then write our own sequels to the text. Following this, we will be using the events in The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane to practice our biography writing.

In Maths, Year 4 will be developing their understanding of place value. They will be learning to compare and order numbers up to 10,000, find these numbers on number lines, and round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. Your child will also be learning formal written methods for adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers.

As the children move through Key Stage 2, times tables fluency is increasingly important and supports the children as they tackle more challenging problems. We will therefore be placing particular emphasis on learning and practising times tables in class, so that the children can quickly recall key facts. Any opportunities for the children to practice at home will support quicker recall, so please make sure that your child is practising regularly.

To further encourage the children with practicing at home, we run a Times Tables Rockstars Tournament each term. The tournament logs the amount of time the children spend practising their times tables on TT Rockstars, and at the end of term, the top three children will have a choice from our class prize box.


The Wider Curriculum 


Subject Unit of Study 
French Portraits
RE Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?
PSHE Being me in my world
PE Swimming
Art  Jewellery Making
Music This little light of mine
History Industrial Revolution
Computing  Effective Researching
Science  Sound



Additional Information

On Wednesday 11th September, the children will resume their swimming lessons at Grand Central. These lessons will continue on a weekly basis, so please ensure that your child has a swimming kit every Wednesday. If you are unsure about acceptable swimwear, the 'Uniform' section of the website contains further information. 

Your child will also need to arrive at school wearing their P.E. kit each Thursday, so that they are prepared for their weekly P.E lesson.

Homework will be handed out on a Monday and will consist of spellings and times tables. It should be completed 4 times a week and the spelling test will take place on a Friday. Once completed, please sign the homework log and return the book to school each day.

All children are encouraged to read at home regularly, and will be provided with a reading book to do so. Similar to homework, children are expected to be reading at home at least 4 times a week. Children can read independently or with an adult and they may read their reading book, library book or a personal text from home. Please ensure that any reading at home is recorded in the reading record and signed by an adult. Whenever the reading record shows that a child has read at home (with an adult signature)  they will receive a ticket for the end of term reading raffle.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Best wishes,

Miss Maudsley and Mrs Johnson


Dates for the Diary 

Wednesday 11th September - RE workshop for Year 4. 

Wednesday 11th September- Swimming lessons start.