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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is held in the hall and opens at 7.45am until 8.40am and costs £4 per child.

Children are offered a healthy breakfast option - cereal, fresh fruit, yoghurt, milk and breaded items.

A booking form is sent out to Parents at the end of each half-term for the next half-term.

  • Entrance is via the KS2 gate where they will be greeted by Miss. Hadfield or Mrs. Welsh.
  • At the end of Breakfast Club, children will go directly to their class.
  • Numbers are limited, so places will need to be booked in advance.
  • Please notify the office as soon as possible should you wish to change or cancel a booking.
  • Booking/payment can be made via Schoolmoney.
  • An invoice will be sent towards the end of each half-term if payment is not received.