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At St Mary’s CE Primary School our curriculum offer is designed, so pupils will experience a broad and balanced curriculum from Reception to Year 6, which has woven throughout it a wide range of experiences and opportunities to enable them to know more and remember more. Our curriculum is matched to both the EYFS and the National Curriculum. We believe that our pupils need a thorough programme of teaching and learning to embed the core skills of literacy, numeracy and oracy, alongside a cyclical subject-based offer to prepare them for life within and beyond our school.

Our values led curriculum emphasises the importance of our 6 Christian school values and the entitlement of each child to an ambitious curriculum offer, regardless of their starting point.

Inclusion is at the heart of all we do as we ensure that our curriculum is accessible to all. We achieve this through ensuring that the curriculum is:

  • Relevant to our context
  • Made up of a range of collaborative learning techniques
  • Interactive

When we designed our curriculum as a staff, we thought about what our curriculum drivers were and identified the 4 below:


Through our curriculum we aim to motivate our pupils by making links between learning and providing real experiences that are memorable and help build effective learning schemas. By developing creativity, championing community links, promoting parent partnerships and sparking our pupils' interests in a range of different subject disciplines, we aim to fulfil our vision of celebrating the uniqueness of every individual, inspiring a lifelong love of learning and experiencing life in all its fullness, whilst upholding our school motto of:

“With God all things are possible”