Green - Year 3
Summer 2 - Newsletter
Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a lovely Whit holiday.
We can't believe we are already in the last half term of Green Class but we have lots of exciting learning to get stuck into.
Thank you so much for your continued support and kind wishes, it means so much.
As always, if you have any questions about your child's learning, please do get in touch.
Best wishes
Mr Oldham and Miss Booton
In literacy, we will be taking a leaf out of David Attenborough's book by writing and producing our own nature documentaries. After this, we will be looking at biography writing. To finish the term, we will be looking at free verse poetry.
It has been so lovely to see the children have a brilliant time at swimming. This will continue this half term every Wednesday afternoon. Children should continue to bring their swimming kits with them on Wednesdays.
All jewellery and wristbands must be removed for swimming according to health and safety rules.
The children will continue to have PE on a Thursday morning with Dan so they should come to school wearing their PE kit (plain joggers/leggings and white t shirts) on Thursdays.
Reading and homework
Reading really helps the children in all aspects of the curriculum. We have encouraged the children to read at least 4 times a week and to log all of the reading they do in their reading diary. It all counts and we welcome and encourage reading of any appropriate text type at home. Please also ensure that your child is bringing their reading diary and reading book with them into school each day.
Your child will have now received their spelling list for the week and a times table to focus on each night.
In maths, we will be finishing off looking at time and then moving onto studying shape and statistics.
Any additional practise of the times tables at home will really benefit the children as they move into year 4.
Dates for your diary
10th June - Children return to school
Roman Battle Formations
As part of our learning about the Romans, we became Roman soldiers for the afternoon. After creating a shield, we went outside and practised popular Roman battle formations. Have a look at the gallery to see our fierce soldier faces!
Summer 1 - Newsletter
Hello everyone,
We hope you have had a peaceful and restful Easter. We are really looking forward to getting stuck into our new learning this half term.
As always, if you have any questions about your child's learning, please do get in touch.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes
Mr Oldham and Miss Booton
PE and swimming
The children will go swimming on Wednesday afternoons until the end of Year 3. This will take the place of our gymnastics/dance PE each week. Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit and a towel with them on Wednesdays in a bag. Children with long hair will also require a swimming cap with their hair tied back.
In line with pool health and safety rules, all jewellery including earrings and wristbands must be removed prior to the school day. Baggy swimming shorts are not permitted and only one-piece swimming costumes should be worn.
** Please note that due to pool maintenance taking place in the week commencing 15th April, there will be no swimming lesson that week. Therefore, the children's first swimming lesson will be on Wednesday 24th April. **
The children will now have games with our sports coach Dan on Thursday mornings. Your child should come to school wearing their usual PE kit on Thursdays. All jewellery including earrings must be removed prior to PE sessions.
In literacy, we will be focusing on story writing by studying the rich texts 'Gorilla' by Antony Brown and 'Lob' by Linda Newbery. We will finish the term by looking at visual poetry and the text 'Bright bursts of colour' by Matt Goodfellow.
In numeracy, we will begin by looking at fractions, including adding fractions with the same denominator. We will also look at money and time.
The children will receive a new spelling list and times table to focus on each week. These will go home on a Monday to practise each day before a short test on Friday.
It has been fantastic to see how the children have embraced reading. Please continue to encourage your child to read for pleasure at home as this has a positive impact on all aspects of their learning.
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 16th April - School reopens for summer term.
Forest School
Green Class enjoyed getting outdoors in the fresh air during our forest school sessions this half term. They battled through the mud and learnt about forest safety and different trees that they saw in the forest. They also made bark rubbings and natural pictures with items found in the forest.
Spring 2 - Newsletter
Hello everyone, we hope you all had a wonderful February half term break and you are ready to get stuck into our new and exciting learning.
As always, if you have any questions about your child's learning, please do get in touch. Thank you for your continued support.
Best wishes
Mr Oldham and Miss Booton
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy, we will be focusing on a lovely book called 'My Dad's a Birdman' by David Almond and doing lots of interesting writing by exploring the text and illustrations. Towards the end of this term we will be developing our persuasive writing skills when we look at the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Dawn Roberston.
In Maths, we will be looking at fractions, what these are and represent and equivalent fractions. We will finish the term by looking at mass and capacity.
The children will have games with our sports coach Dan on Wednesdays. Children should come to school on Wednesdays in their PE kits.
This half term, Forest School will now take the place of our Monday PE slot. Please see 'Additional Information' for more details.
Additional Information
On Monday afternoons we will be venturing outdoors for forest school. Children can arrive at school wearing clothes appropriate for forest school on Mondays. Please note these clothes may get muddy. Please also bring a suitable pair of outdoor shoes to school to change into. As it can get quite cold outside, you may also wish to send your child into school with extra layers.
Due to health and safety guidelines, all earrings must be removed before PE.
* Due to a Judaism workshop on Monday 26th February, there will be no forest school, children should wear uniform into school on this day.
Forest school will begin on Monday 4th March when children should wear their forest school clothes to school and bring a suitable pair of outdoor shoes to change into. *
As before, the children will receive a spelling list and times table to practise each day in their purple homework books. This will go home on Mondays and homework books should be handed back in on Fridays. We will have a spelling test each Friday.
We have now bookbanded all the children and many were very excited to be choosing from a new selection of books on a new bookband. Keep up the great reading at home Green class - well done!
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day. Children can come to school wearing pyjamas or a costume linked to their favourite book
Thursday 7th March - Parents Evening
Thursday 14th March - Ian Bland poetry workshops
Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day. Children can wear red to school
Tuesday 26th March - Easter activity morning with parents & carers 9am - 10am
This term in art we have been focusing on pointillism painting. This is a unique style of painting that uses dots instead of brush strokes. We had lots of fun getting dotty!
Spring 1 - Newsletter
Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a nice, restful break.
We thank you for all your support and as always if you have any queries about your child's learning, please do get in touch.
Best wishes
Mr Oldham and Miss Booton
The children will have games with our sports coach Dan on Wednesdays this half term. Our indoor dance is now on Mondays. Children should come to school on Wednesdays and Mondays in their PE kits. Due to health and safety guidelines, all earrings must be removed before PE.
Each week, the children will receive a spelling list and times table to practise each day in their purple homework books. This will go home on Mondays and homework books should be handed back in on Fridays. We will have a spelling test each Friday.
Reading is very valuable to all the children's learning and it has been so lovely to see how they have been excited and motivated to read different books at home and in school following our Friday Book Club. Keep up the super reading Green Class!
Literacy and maths
In Literacy, we will draw on our History knowledge of Ancient Egypt and our Science knowledge of skeletons and muscles in order to help us write some detailed non-chronological reports. Towards the end of the half term, we will focus on a book called 'The Hunter' which will end with us writing our own play scripts.
In Maths, the times tables will continue to be a focus and we will begin to look at methods for multiplying and dividing 2 and 1-digit numbers.
Dates for your diary
- Monday 8th January - school reopens for Spring term
Tuesday 6th February 9-10am -
Parents and carers drop in for Science and Computing
Buddhist Festival Lanterns
For Inter Faith Week, Green Class focused on Buddhism. They looked at the Buddhist festival Wesak and how this is celebrated across the world. They had lots of fun making and decorating their own lanterns.
Have a look through our photo gallery to see some!
Autumn 2 - Newsletter
Hello Green Class,
What a wonderful first half term we have had! We hope you have had a lovely and restful half term holiday.
We are looking forward to getting stuck into all of our new and exciting learning this half term.
As always, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Best wishes,
Mr Oldham and Miss Booton
The children will continue to have games with our sports coach Dan on Thursdays and indoor gymnastics/dance on Fridays. Children should come to school on Thursdays and Fridays in their PE kits. Due to health and safety guidelines, all earrings must be removed for PE.
Each week, the children will receive a spelling list and times table to practise each day in their purple homework books. This will go home on Mondays and homework books should be handed back in on Fridays. We will have a spelling test each Friday.
Literacy and maths
In Literacy this half term, we are looking at an exciting book called Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton. We will be doing lots of writing around this text such as writing letters and creating newspaper reports.
In maths, we will continue to focus on the addition and subtraction of 3-digit numbers as well as using inverse operations to help us check our answers.
We will then move to look at multiplication and division with a focus on the times tables.
In RE we will be looking at the question "what does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today"? We will explore how Christians show their faith and carry out worship in their everyday lives.
National interfaith week begins on 13th November. During this week, Green Class will be learning about aspects of Buddhism.
Dates for your diary
- Monday 30th October - Big Draw
- Monday 13th November - Children’s Flu Vaccinations
- Monday 13th November - Interfaith Week
- Friday 17th November – Children in Need day
- Tuesday 12th December - Christmas Carol Service 2pm Year 3- 6 at St Marys Church
- Thursday 14th December – Christmas dinner and Jumper day
- Tuesday 19th December - Christmas craft morning 9 – 10am
- Friday 22nd December Inset day (school closed to children)
Our Sedimentary Rock Sandwiches
In science, Green Class have been learning all about rocks and how they are formed. They particularly enjoyed making sedimentary rock sandwiches. Many joked that they were making Mr Oldham's lunch!
Autumn 1 - Newsletter
Welcome to Green Class
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy, we will be looking closely at books that are related to our History Topic (Stone Age to Iron Age) and our Science Topic (Rocks, Soils and Fossils) and will be doing lots of exciting writing based around them.
In Numeracy, we are placing a focus on numbers and place value. This includes work on partitioning, counting in a variety of ways, continuing sequences, using number facts and thinking about each of the operation symbols. We will then move on to addition and subtraction of 100s, 10s and 1s. Through the use of Using and Applying techniques, children will be able to apply what they have learnt to a real-life situation. We will do lots of practising of our times tables, as the more confident the children are with them, the more confident they will become at answering questions related to them. Therefore, extra practise at home would be brilliant and would benefit them greatly.
Wider Curriculum
Across the rest of the curriculum, these are the topics we will be looking at:
Science: Rocks, soils and fossils
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Computing: Coding and touch-typing
R.E: Different people's beliefs about God
Art: Sketching/printing/sculpture
Music: 'I've been to Harlem'
PSHE: Being me
French: Greetings/phrases/numbers
Additional information
The children will have games with our sports coach Dan on Thursdays and PE on Fridays.
Please can the children continue to come into school wearing their PE kit - a white t shirt, black shorts or joggers and trainers - on Thursdays and Fridays.
Your child will have now received a spelling list and timetable of the week to practise. This should take them no more than 5 minutes each night.
Please also ensure that your child is reading regularly at home as well as school. This really helps to enhance their learning and writing.
As always, if you have any questions or queries about your child's learning, please do get in touch.
Best wishes,
Mr Oldham
Dates for your diary