Health & Wellbeing
We are keen to support our pupils in being physically, emotionally and mentally healthy.
Healthy lifestyles are encouraged in a number of ways:
- Promoting healthy lifestyles through the curriculum and everyday learning.
- Regular PE lessons covering many different sports, swimming and other physical activities.
- A variety of healthy and active after school clubs include mindfulness, yoga, street dance and cheer leading as well as more traditional, competitive sports
- Encouraging children to drink water and eat only healthy fruit snacks
- Providing and encouraging only healthy eating options for breakfast club, breaks and lunchtimes
- Pupil lead ‘Move It Monday’ and ‘Fit on Friday’ exercise to music
- Participating in local sporting events including football, netball and basketball tournaments and competitions
- Lunches are cooked on the premises with the emphasis on wholesome, healthy food and a variety of fresh fruit, vegetables and a salad bar is available everyday
- If your child prefers to bring a packed lunch, we strongly encourage healthy eating options to be provided. All uneaten food is retained in lunchboxes and sent home so parents are fully aware of how much and what has been eaten during the school day.
- We encourage children to walk to school wherever possible. If walking is not an option then public transport or the use of ‘Park and Stride’ from St Mary’s Church car park or The Carousel are preferred options. This is supported through daily monitoring across the classes using ‘Travel Tracker’ with the competition to win ‘Parker Bear’ for the class each half term.
Mental health and well-being
Here at St Mary’s we take the mental health and well being of our children, parents and staff seriously. We have a mental health and well being lead in school who is also a trained Mental Health First Aider. We operate an open door policy and we encourage you to come and speak to us should you have any questions or difficulties about your child or yourself.
This page will keep you informed of what is happening within school and will signpost towards and help and support should you need it.
At times we all need a caring, listening ear and a chat.
I am with you always. (Matthew 18:20)
Well being and our Stockport Footprint
St Mary’s is geographically within the Heatons and Reddish Footprint. The aim is for us to provide early help and support as soon as a concern emerges. Providing early help is more effective in promoting the welfare of children than reacting later. Our ‘learning and caring for each other’ goes beyond the daily learning and if you would like to speak to someone and access early help, please come to one of our monthly drop in sessions or phone school to book an appointment if you prefer. Please do not hesitate to phone school to find out more.
Supporting your child’s well being
Children need support when it comes to good well being, the same as adults. Here in school mental health and well being is woven into our PHSE planning across the year. We also have regular circle time sessions and it is present in our worship time. In addition to this children have had an assembly once a month on the topic of mental health and well being. So far topics covered include big and small feelings, how feelings can look, some strategies to use when things get too much and what can impact on our well being. We also have a designated learning mentor in school who is able to support children individually or in small groups when needed. Our school nurse can also be contacted through school if needed.
There are things you can easily do at home to support a healthy wellbeing:
- In school we talk to children and adults about the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’ these are 5 easy steps you can take as a family to encourage a healthy well being and good mental health.
- You could make a list of things you are good at and what people value in you. keep it in a safe place and look at it when things feel tricky.
- Practice simple meditation exercises. Find somewhere quiet and take 5 deep breaths. Notice what is around you, the sights, sounds and smells. Try to clear your mind and think about nothing. Focus on your breathing and relax your body. Try this for 5 minutes.
- Write down what causes you stress. Think of having a cup which gets filled with events and stress which can sometimes overflow. Imagine a tap at the bottom which with good coping strategies can help empty the cup of stress. Write down some coping strategies which you and your child can use when your cup is full.
Sometimes, as a parent you may want to find extra support outside of school. Below are a number of websites which offer resources and advice 24 hours a day.