Orange - Year 1
Spring 1
English and Maths
Our focus quality text will be Anansi the Spider by Gerald McDermott. We will be continuing to develop and use phonics when reading and writing, reading common exception words, and listen to, read, discuss and enjoy a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will write full sentences and continue to use a range of punctuation accurately, as well as use conjunctions and adjectives to describe. We will also have a strong focus on handwriting.
In maths, we will have a focus on place value and addition and subtraction to 20, using a range of mental and written strategies, and a range of resources.
Wider Curriculum
Computing - Lego builders/Maze explorers
DT - Stable Structures
Geography - The Four Seasons
Music - Colonel Hathi's march
PE - Outdoor games (Mondays), indoor games (Wednesdays)
PSHE - dreams and goals
RE - Who is Jewish and what do they believe?
Science - Polar Places
Additional Information
Children will be reading every day so please ensure book bags are in school every day. All books are changed on a Friday. It is expected that children read their book at least four times over a week.
PE is on Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child in wearing their kit on these days (kit consists of black shorts, white T-shirt and trainers).
Homework will be sent home on a Monday to be completed by Friday. Homework will consist of spellings to learn and a number bonds sheet.
Dates for Your Diary
Monday 6th January Children return to school.
Tuesday 7th January Visit to Portland Basin.
Friday 10th January Panto
Tuesday 14th January Scooter training
Friday 31st January Islam assembly and parent workshop
Thursday 13th February Finish for holiday
Light and shadows
The children learnt about light in science. We made shadows that looked like animals using our hands. Then we performed our own shadow puppet shows!
Autumn 2
English and Maths
Our focus quality text will be The Jolly Postman by Janet and Alan Ahlberg. We will be continuing to develop and use phonics when reading and writing, reading common exception words, and listen to, read, discuss and enjoy a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will write full sentences and continue to use a range of punctuation accurately, as well as use conjunctions and adjectives to describe. We will also have a strong focus on handwriting.
In maths, we will have a focus on addition and subtraction, using a range of mental and written strategies, and a range of resources. We will also begin to look at geometry with a focus on shape.
Wider Curriculum
Art - 3D earth art
Computing - grouping/sorting, pictograms
History - homes in the past (Victorians)
Music - BBC Ten Pieces Mars (Holst)
PE - City in the Community/Mr Stevenson (PE coaches)
RE - What does it mean to belong to a faith community?
Science - Celebrations
Additional Information
Children will be reading every day so please ensure book bags are in school every day. All books are changed on a Friday. It is expected that children read their book at least four times over a week.
PE is on Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child in wearing their kit on this day (kit consists of black shorts, white T-shirt and trainers).
Homework will be sent home on a Monday to be completed by Friday. Homework will consist of spellings to learn and a number bonds sheet.
Dates for your diary
WB 11th November - Multi-faith week
15th November - Children in Need - non-uniform day for £1 donation
4th December - Christmas Workshop
5th December - Nativity Performance 9:30 & 5pm
13th December - Christmas jumper day and Christmas dinner
17th December - Christmas crafts (9-10, parents invited)
Fruit kebabs
The children designed and made fruit kebabs. They enjoyed choosing the bright colours and patterns, and they especially enjoyed eating it at the end!
Autumn 1
English and Maths
Our first quality text this half-term will be Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. We will be starting develop and use phonics when reading and writing, reading common exception words, and listen to, read, discuss and enjoy a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We will write full sentences and begin to use a range of punctuation accurately, as well as use conjunctions and adjectives to describe. We will also have a strong focus on handwriting and presentation.
In maths, we will be recapping place values and sorting and grouping objects. We will be comparing numbers, and using less than and greater than. Later in the half term, we will begin using addition and subtraction within 10.
Wider Curriculum
Computing - online safety
D&T - fruit cocktails
Geography - our local area, the UK and the world
Music - Sing-up Menu Song
PE - City in the Community/Mr Stevenson (PE coaches)
RE - Who is a Christian and what do they believe?
Science - Who am I?
Additional Information
Children will be reading every day so please ensure book bags are in school every day. All books are changed on a Friday. It is expected that children read their book at least four times over a week.
PE is on Monday and Wednesday. Please send your child in wearing their kit on this day (kit consists of black shorts, white T-shirt and trainers).
Homework will be sent home on a Monday to be completed by Friday. Homework will consist of spellings to learn and a number bonds sheet.
Dates for your diary
3rd September - Meet the Teacher (3:30pm)
TBC - Parent open morning