Yellow - Year 2
Summer 2 Newsletter
Hello everyone!
We hope you had a lovely half-term.
We can't believe we are so close to the summer holidays! We have lots of exciting things happening in Yellow class this term. Last week, Yellow class thoroughly enjoyed their school trip to the Bridgewater hall.
As always, thank you so much for your continued support and as always, if you have any questions about your child's learning, please do let us know.
Mrs Moran, Mrs O'Mahony-Leach and Mrs Birks
Literacy and Numeracy
In Literacy this term we will be using our DEAL techniques to write our own stories. Our learning is around the book, 'The secret of black rock' by Joe Todd-Stanton.
In Numeracy, we will be exploring statistics, position and direction and then consolidating our learning from this year. Continuing to help your child with their timetables will help them with their numeracy work.
Wider Curriculum
P.E. will continue to be on a Tuesday and Wednesday this term. In Computing, we will be exploring Coding. In Art, we will be learning about the artist, Henri Rousseau and becoming creative with craft and design. In Geography, the children will be visiting the Arctic from the comfort of our classroom!
Additional Information
Please ensure your child comes to school daily with their reading record and reading book. If reading records are signed, children can change their reading books on a Tuesday and a Friday. When reading with your child, please continue to ask them questions about what they have read to support their developing comprehension skills. Any reading completed at home, which is recorded in their record, can help your child to progress up the reading book ladder challenge.
Helping your child to become fluent with their timetables will greatly support them. For this term, your child should focus on their Year 2 spelling lists.
This half-term in art we have been learning about colour in painting. We looked at the artists Clarice Cliff and Piet Mondrian and their use of colour. We learnt how to use paintbrushes to create a range of effects and how to mix together primary colours to make secondary colours, as well as how adding black and white allows us to create tones and shades of a colour. We used the work of Piet Mondrian and Clarice Cliff to inspire our own designs and artwork.
Summer 1 Newsletter
Summer 1
Welcome to Summer term! We hope you had a lovely Easter break and we're very excited to welcome Yellow class back to start our learning for this term.
As always, if you ever need to discuss anything with us, we are available at the door during school drop-off and pick-up times or can meet at an additional time.
Mrs Moran, Mrs O'Mahony-Leach and Mrs Birks
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy this half term we will be completing work around the book, 'The secret sky garden by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers'. We will be exploring writing in role and writing sets of instructions.
In Maths, we will be looking at fractions (quarter, half, third and whole) and looking at parts (equal and unequal). We will also start to learn about time (o'clock, quarter past, quarter to, half past and telling the time to 5 minutes.
Wider curriculum
P.E this term will be on a Tuesday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor). In History we will be exploring some significant individuals from Stockport, the history of St Mary's school and begin to explore the suffragettes. In Religion we will learn about what Muslim's believe and explore spreadsheets in Computing. This term, in Art, our focus is drawing and painting and we will be looking at the artist, Clarice Cliff. In Science, our topic is young gardeners. We will be growing a variety of plants. If you have any useful or unusual containers that we can grow in, please send to school!
Additional Information
Please ensure your child comes to school daily with their reading record and reading book. If reading records are signed, children can change their reading books on a Tuesday and a Friday. When reading with your child, please continue to ask them questions about what they have read to support their developing comprehension skills. Any reading completed at home, which is recorded in their record, can help your child to progress up the reading book ladder challenge.
Homework will continue to be sent home on a Monday with a spelling and a times tables test on a Friday. Reading at home and completing homework can make such a difference and support your child's learning at school. Thanks so much for your continued partnership.
This half-term we have been investigating mechanical systems and have enjoyed fixing together axles, chassis and wheels. We then created our own designs for a moving vehicle before following our designs to create them. At the end, we noted some changes we could make in the future to improve our vehicles further.
Spring 2 Newsletter
Spring 2
Hello everyone,
We hope you had a lovely February half term. We have lots of exciting things happening this half term!
As always, if you have any questions about your child's learning or ever need to talk to us, please get in touch.
Mrs Moran, Mrs O'Mahony-Leach and Mrs Birks
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy this half term we will be completing work around the book, 'Lila and the secret of rain by David Conway'. We will beexploring character development in narrative fiction.
In Maths, we will be looking at length and height and mass, capacity and temperature. Exploring different measurements at home will help support your childs learning at school.
Wider curriculum
P.E this term will be on a Tuesday (indoor dance) and Wednesday (outdoor games).
In D&T our focus is vehicles. Please can we ask for any small boxes/tubs, when you're finsihed with them, to make the chassis of a car. Towards the end of the unit we would love to have some family and friends help us too!
Dates for your diary
Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th March - Yellow class parent consultations.
Thursday 7th March - World book day. Children can come to school wearing pyjamas or a costume linked to their favourite book. On Thursday 14th March, poet Ian Bland is visiting school to complete some workshops with children to celebrate world book day.
Friday 15th March - Red Nose day. Children can wear something red to school.
Tuesday 26th March - Easter Parent and carers morning 9am-10am
Additional Information
As always, please ensure your child comes to school daily with their reading record and reading book. Books can be changed on a Tuesday and a Friday if records have been signed at home. Also, all reading completed at home, which is signed off, can help your child to progress up the reading book ladder challenge.
Homework will continue to be sent home on a Monday with a short spellings and times tables test on a Friday. Reading and completing homework at home can make such a difference. Thanks so much for your support.
In P.E this half term we worked with Mrs Bratherton who is a specialist P.E teacher. She taught us how to use the equipment using changes of level, changes of shape and ways of travelling. We also thought very carefully about the tension in our bodies. We all learnt lots of new skills. Thank you Mrs Bratherton
Spring 1 Newsletter
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy this half-term we will be reading the book Charlottes Web by E. B White. We will be looking at the themes of love and friendship and using our DEAL Drama strategies to support letter writing in the role of characters from the book.
In Maths, we will be finishing a topic on money, so if you get opportunities to count out amounts of money using real coins, that would support our learning in school.
After that we will be spending the rest of the half-term learning about multiplication and division, and we will be adding in a times tables test alongside our spelling test on a Friday.
Dates for your Diary.
Tuesday 6th February 9-10am
Parents and carers drop in for Science and Computing
Wider curriculum
This half-term we will be working with a P. E specialist from the local authority on a Friday afternoon. This will be alongside our work with Dan, our own sports coach, on a Wednesday.
Our Design Technology topic this half-term is 'Puppets.' This will involve us designing and making our own puppets. Look out for a text inviting you to come and help on a Friday afternoon with sewing later in the half-term.
Additional Information
Children will be reading every day, so please ensure book bags are in school each day. Books can be changed on a Tuesday and Friday and all reading done at home which is signed off can help your child move up the reading book ladder. There will be a reading raffle at the end of the half-term. Just ten minutes of reading each day at home can make such a difference, so please support our home school reading partnership.
Homework will be sent home on a Monday with a short spelling and times tables test on a Friday.
Outdoor Adventurous Activities
During the Autumn term, Yellow class enjoyed spending time in our Forest School area. We had very mixed weather which didn't put some of us off. We spent time investigating the area and the wildlife living there, as well as working in co-operative groups to build a shelter for our bear; Parker. On our final week, we were joined by friends and family members to plant saplings that had been given to us by the woodland trust.
Autumn 2 newsletter
Literacy and Maths
In Literacy this half-term, we will be reading the book Leaf by Sandra Dieckmann. We will look at emotive language and description and create our own stories. Using texts and other media, we will create our own non-fiction polar bear books.
In Maths, we will look at addition and subtraction and shape. This will include subtracting across ten, adding two 2-digit numbers across and not across ten. When looking at shape, we will explore sides and vertices, symmetry and 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Wider Curriculum
This term we will be doing forest school on a Thursday afternoon. Children can come to school in clothes they will wear for forest school. Please bring a suitable pair of outdoor shoes to school.
Additional information
Children will be reading every day and can change their books on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure book bags are in school every day. Just ten minutes of reading at home each day makes such a difference, so please support our home school reading partnership.
P.E days for this half-term are Wednesday and Thursday (Forest School).
Homework will be sent home on a Monday and a spelling test on a Friday.
On a Tuesday afternoon, Mr Derbyshire will be joining us to teach music with Yellow class.
Dates for your diary
Monday 30th October is the Big Draw week
Monday 13th November Children’s Flu Vaccinations
Monday 13th November Interfaith week
Friday 17th November Children in Need (own clothes day £1)
Tuesday 5th December R and KS1 nativity 9.30 am and 5pm at school
Tuesday 12th December Christmas Carol Service 2pm Year 3- 6 St Marys Church
Thursday 14th December Christmas dinner and jumper day
Tuesday 19th December Christmas craft morning. All school 9 – 10am parents, carers welcomed into classes
Thursday 21st December end of the autumn term
Friday 22nd December Inset day (school closed to children)
Designing and making pizzas
This term in Science we have been looking at how to be healthy and explored the balanced plate in D&T. We designed and made our own pizzas. We had to choose at least three fruit and vegetable toppings and a base of our choice. We thoroughly enjoyed our pizzas. You can see our pictures in our class photo gallery!
Autumn 1 Newsletter
Literacy and Maths
Our focus this half-term is Myself and Others and is all about health, well-being and different cultures. We will be looking specifically at Indian folk tales and the book Pattan's Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar. We will write stories with descriptive settings, instructions, poems and posters and use our Drama strategies to inspire and engage us.
In Maths, we will be developing understanding of place value through counting, comparing and representing numbers. We will also be adding and subtracting one, two and three-digit numbers sometimes crossing a boundary of ten.
Wider curriculum
R.E - What can we learn from sacred texts?
Geography- Explorers-Land, Air and Sea
Science-Exercise and healthy Eating
D. T- Food and nutrition. Healthy snacks
Music - Sing up unit 'Tony Chestnut' focusing on beat, rhythm, melody and tuned and untuned instruments.
Computing - Making music
P.E- Gymnastics/Dance indoors on Tuesday
Outdoor games on Wednesday
Additional information
Children will be reading every day and can change their books on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure book bags are in school every day. Just ten minutes reading at home each day makes such a difference, so please support our home school reading partnership.
P.E days for this half-term are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Homework will be sent home on a Monday.
Dates for your diary
Freddy Fit-Monday 11th September
Christians in schools workshop-Wednesday 27th September