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Yellow - Year 2

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Spring 1 Newsletter

Hi everyone,

We hope you had a lovely Christmas break and we are so excited to welcome you back for Spring term. 

As always, if you have any queries regarding your child's learning, please do get in touch.

Best wishes

Mrs O'Mahony, Mrs Moran and Mrs Birks

English and Maths

Our book this half term is Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. We will be using this classic novel to create letters in our writing. Later in the term we will focus on poetry. Alongside our English, we will focus on a range of grammar and spelling work. 

In maths, we will finish our work on money and introduce multiplication and division. To support your child's learning in school, please continue to help them thoroughly learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In their reading records, children have a login for Times Tables Rock Stars. We also recommend using the website Top Marks and playing the game, Hit the Button.

Wider Curriculum

R.E - Believing - Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?

Science - Squash, Bend, Twist and Stretch

History - Great Fire of London

D&T - Textiles puppets

Computing - Online safety

Music - Grandma rap

P.E. - Indoor P.E. Wednesday

P.E. - Outdoor P.E. Monday

PSHE - Dreams and goals

Dates for your diary

Friday 10th January - Cinderella panto at school

Tuesday 14th January - Scooter training at school

Monday 27th January - Staircase House trip

Friday 31st January - Islam assembly and parent workshop 9am

Reading and Homework

Thank you so much for your support with homework and home learning. We really value all of your support and help with your child's learning. Homework will continue to be given out on a Monday. The children will be asked to practise their times tables and number bonds, read every day and practise their keyword spellings and spelling patterns.

If your child would like us to look at their work, they can drop their book in the box each day. Homework books should be handed in on a Friday so we can stick the new homework in each week and return on a Monday.

It is vital that children bring their reading book and reading record to school every day. We have reading volunteers, Year 6 reading buddies, and teaching assistants who read with children daily. We also look at children's reading records during guided reading.

On a Tuesday and Thursday, if their record is signed, children can change their reading book and move up the reading challenge. 

Children are reminded to bring their reading book and record home every day so they can read at home. Please continue to sign their records. Thank you!




All of Year 2 should be so proud of themselves for their amazing performances in their nativity shows.

Shine Star Shine was about the big star needing type show the way to the stable where a special baby was being born but there's one problem - he just can't shine! His friends, the other stars, try all they can to make him believe he can shine and when they lead him to the stable to see the baby he realises that Jesus' love will give him the strength to shine again. 

Autumn 2 Newsletter

Welcome back to the Autumn 2 half-term. We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to this half-term as well as preparing for our Christmas celebrations. 

English and Maths

Our book for this half-term is The secret of black rock by Joe Todd Stanton. We will be using this beautiful book to inspire our own underwater adventure stories as well as writing some non-fiction fact books about sharks. In our grammar work we will be identifying and writing noun phrases. 

In Maths, we will continue to develop our addition and subtraction skills, developing fluency and applying what we've learnt to one and two-step problems. 

Wider Curriculum

R.E- Celebrating special and sacred times.

Science-Materials Monster.

Geography-Let's go to Liverpool on the coast.


Art- 3d and Collage, focus artist-Yayoi Kusama

Music-Carnival of the animals and Christmas production

P.E- Monday outdoor-City in the Community-Ball skills

      Wednesday indoor-gymnastics

PHSE- Celebrating difference

Dates for your diary

Our Christmas Nativity; Shine Star, Shine will be performed on Thursday 5th December at 9.30am

and 5pm. 


Reading and Homework

Homework will be given out on a Monday. The children will be asked to practise their times tables and number bonds, read every day and practise their keyword spellings and spelling patterns.

They can drop their book in the box each day if they would like us to look at their work. Books should be returned by Friday ready for the new homework to be stuck in.

We try to read with many of the children every day, whether it be with the teacher, teaching assistants or with one of our reading volunteers. Please can you encourage your child to remember to bring their reading book and reading record every day. This daily reading makes such a difference!

Home School Communication

We are always available at the door in the morning and at the end of the school day if there is anything you need to discuss and we can always make an appointment for a longer chat if needed.

Mrs O'Mahony-Leach, Mrs Moran and Mrs Birks






DEAL - English writing

This term, we have been using our DEAL strategies (Drama, Engagement and Active Learning) to explore the characters' feelings in Pattan's Pumpkin. We have been using the story to support our English work this term. Working in small groups, we created our own news report describing the impact the floods had on the Indian village and its residents. We then focused on the different emotions the characters felt throughout the story and explored a range of vocabulary to support our writing in role. 

We love using DEAL to support our learning.

Autumn 1 Newsletter


A very warm welcome to Yellow Class.


Literacy and Maths

Our focus this half-term is Myself and Others and is all about health, well-being and different cultures. We will be looking specifically at Indian folk tales and the book Pattan's Pumpkin by Chitra Soundar. We will be writing letters and diary entries as characters from the book. We will use lots of Drama strategies to inspire and engage us. 

In SPAG we will pay close attention to the four different sentence types: questions, commands, exclamations and statements to help children vary their sentences when writing.

In Maths, we will be developing understanding of place value through counting, comparing and representing numbers. We will also be adding and subtracting one, two and three-digit numbers sometimes crossing a boundary of ten. Continuing to count objects and work on number bonds to 10 and 20 at home with your child will help to support them in Year 2. 

Dates for your diary

Meet the teacher - Tuesday 3rd September 15:30 - 16:30

Wider curriculum

R.E - What can we learn from sacred texts?

History- Intrepid Explorers

Science - Healthy Me

D. T- Food and nutrition. Perfect pizzas

Music - Sing up unit 'Tony Chestnut' focusing on beat, rhythm, melody and tuned and untuned instruments.

Computing - Making music

P.E- Outdoor games on Monday

     -  Indoor P.E on Wednesday


Additional information

Children will be reading every day and can change their books on a Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure book bags are in school every day. Just ten minutes reading at home each day makes such a difference, so please support our home school reading partnership.

P.E days for this half-term are Monday and Wednesday.

Homework will be sent home on a Monday.